Religion News

FBOs bail out Chiradzulu orphans

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Chiradzulu district social welfare officer Mike Maulidi has lauded faith-based organisations (FBOs) for introducing special facilities to improve the lives of needy children in the district.

The FBOs include World Vision Malawi (WVM), Islamic Zakaat Fund (IZF) and the Blantyre CCAP Synod.

Maulidi said on Wednesday the three institutions are providing financial support and vocational training to orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) who did not benefit from a bursary fund.

He said following the combined awareness campaigns government and the civil society are conducting on the importance of education, there is huge interest among learners to stay in school irrespective of their social and economic backgrounds.

“My office is overwhelmed by the number of OVCs interested to further their education against what we are getting from NAC [National Aids Commission] for supporting them. It is, therefore, a relief to have faith-based organisations coming in to support those that have not found their way onto the list of beneficiaries,” said Maulidi.

He said in the 2013/2014 financial year, his office received a grant of K10 million from NAC to cater for the educational needs of 134 OVCs admitted into secondary schools nationwide.

Maulidi said the money is not enough to cover the rising number of OVCs applying for support.

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